The Colombia Covenant Mission team is working with the challenge of matching the vision of global outreach and mission and the giftedness of the mission teams that are put together for ministry in Colombia with the areas of opportunities for ministry that have been primarily determined by the Colombian ministries and Churches.

In spite of the negative reputation that Colombia has had on the world stage, because of its war on drugs, civil unrest caused by subversive groups, corruption on many levels, etc. the Covenant of Colombia continues to grow and expand in its extension within Colombia and in its number of Churches and Social Action/Compassion, Justice and Mercy ministries. As a Mission we feel called to accompany God’s movement and activity within the Covenant of Colombia and we have realized that in order to fulfill that calling as the Covenant of Colombia grows, we need partners. At this time in Colombia, Mary Lou and Gary Sander and Cathy Campobello are the Long Term missionaries on the Colombia Mission team, and Julio and Katie Isaza are Project missionaries. Because of our commitment to spending time with the Covenant of Colombia—its people (of all ages and locations), its pastors, its leadership, etc. to know their hearts and passions, we know of many opportunities and needs. We want to find partners who can help us in fulfilling our calling of “accompanying” by bringing giftedness and works of service to these identified areas of ministry opportunity and need. Knowing that the Bible calls us to come together and work together and live as a “body of Jesus Christ”, we have taken on this challenge of “matching the vision of global outreach and mission and the giftedness of the mission teams” with the ministry opportunities very seriously. We recognize that it can be challenging, as well, to find those gifts of ministry that are idiomatically and culturally transferrable. We hope that all involved will sense that they are participating and contributing in this joint mission.

We believe that we are moving in the right direction as we have hosted 38 different teams, groups, individuals and visits since 2007. We have many areas to improve and develop as we partner together. We have seen and been a part of some pretty amazing blessings as God has worked and revealed himself through so many.

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)

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